House cats, who do not have the opportunity to go outdoors, go to the toilet in special litter trays. They are filled with artificial or natural fillings that absorb unpleasant odors and waste pet. 

What to look for when choosing a cat litter box? You can ask about it here:

Today, any pet store offers a huge selection of litter boxes of all kinds and sizes. When buying a cat litter box, in addition to such obvious nuances as the age and size of the pet, the number of animals living in the house, the following nuances must be considered:

  1. Material – cat litter boxes are made of plastic, which can be of different quality. For example, the cheapest designs from one-day companies often have a strong and unpleasant smell that scares away animals. 
  2. Size – compact toilets are designed only for kittens, while for adults it is best to buy a spacious potty in which you can do all your business with maximum convenience.
  3. Open or closed design – in the first case, the owner of the pet will be able to visually control the process of contamination of the filler. Closed toilets are usually chosen for shy cats who need privacy.
  4. Use of the litter box. Contrary to television commercials, many cats are great at going to the toilet without any loose mixes. In this case, it is best to use models of litter trays with removable bottoms and sides for better washing. 

Types of open trays

Currently, open trays are particularly popular among buyers. They can have low or high sides, rectangular shape and a grid – limiter. 

Consider the main types of open litter trays for cats:

  1. Conventional or traditional: differs in its ergonomic design with a height of the sides to 7 cm. Does not cause difficulties with cleaning and changing the litter. Is the ideal solution for toilet training kittens. 


  • Affordable price;
  • Compact size;
  • Minimal weight.
  1. With high edges – has a rectangular shape and rounded edges. The height of the edges is 12 centimeters and higher. 


  • Hygienic;
  • The filler rarely spills out of the tray. 
  1. With mesh. An ordinary tray, complete with a plastic tab in the form of a removable grid, under which the filler is placed. The litter box can also be used without the filler, but in this case, it will need to be cleaned often to prevent the spread of bad smells. 
  2. With a removable frame – kerb. A very easy-to-use model that can be used both with and without the filler. For example, on the bottom of the tray, you can put a polyethylene film, which will be periodically changed together with the waste of the pet. 
  3. Corner pots. In general, these are standard pots, which are distinguished by their angular shape. Can have sides of different heights. 

Types of closed trays

The following varieties can be distinguished in this category of goods:

  1. Trays-houses. In recent years, more and more in demand closed trays – houses. They have side walls, an upper lid and even a door. In such a litter box, the cat will feel protected from prying eyes. 


  • Attractive and interesting appearance;
  • The design perfectly blocks unpleasant odors;
  • Can be placed nearly anywhere in your apartment. 
  1. Bio-toilets. We are talking about modern closed trays, which are equipped with special charcoal filters that prevent the spread of unpleasant odors. One side of purchase bio-toilet for cats is expensive, but on the other side this type of litter box does not need daily replacement of the litter box. 
  2. Automatic “smart” toilet. These models are powered by electricity, connected to water and sewage, have touch control and replaceable cleaning cartridges. 

Regardless of which litter box you choose for your pet, it is very important that the cat likes it and can create a comfortable environment for him to go to the toilet regularly.